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  • Geography

    Why study geography?

    Geography is the world subject and without it students would not have an understanding of the planet on which they live. Our aim is to inspire and develop students’ own passion for our unique subject.

    Curriculum Vision

    Our vision is that students gain a passion for the subject, that students develop a range of geographical skills, and use geographical vocabulary to express their geographical ideas. We encourage and develop students so that they can ‘think like a geographer’ and see how the subject links to all aspects of the world in which they live. The geography curriculum is knowledge-rich, develops cultural capital with skills that are embedded across all key stages. It is structured by topic, addressing concepts, places, case studies and skills. 

    Key Stage 3 - Years 7 - 9

    Key Stage 3 consolidates the knowledge, understanding and skills developed in Key Stage 2. We teach key skills and knowledge in Year 7, encouraging the students to learn about Maps, The British Isles, ‘Fantastic Places’ and Weather and Climate, while at the same time integrating physical and human topics. Year 8 offers our students the opportunity to explore different counties and regions – China is studied, alongside contemporary topics such as 'Oceans Development'. The more traditional topic of 'Ecosystems' is taught at local, regional and world scale. In Year 9, we focus on 'Tourism' at local and global scales and the impact of tourism on countries with differing levels of development. ‘Risky Places’ introduces ideas around tectonic hazards, as well as places associated with human-based risk such as conflict. We finish the Key Stage 3 curriculum by bringing all of the skills and knowledge learnt so far to explore the human and physical elements of the African continent.



    Key Stage 4 - Years 10 - 11

    Our Key Stage 4 curriculum follows the AQA exam board. 

    We begin with 'Physical Landscapes'. The 'Coasts' and 'Rivers' units provide students with the knowledge and understanding that they require to undertake their GCSE fieldwork. We then move to 'The Living World' which extends students' knowledge of biomes at Key Stage 3 and builds on this by exploring the connections between biotic and abiotic components of ecosystems. The 'Challenges of Natural Hazards' unit takes us to the end of Year 10. 

    Year 11 begins with 'Urban Issues and Challenges' by introducing a human focus to students. 'Resource Management' draws on geographical knowledge, including inter-connected aspects of the living world and urban and economic development. The 'Changing Economic World' develops further levels of knowledge, taking students to the conclusion of the course.



    Key Stage 5 - Years 12 - 13

    We follow the OCR Geography A-Level syllabus at Key Stage 5.

    Students in Year 12 examine 'Migration', Space' and 'Place'. These topics stimulate debate and encourage critical thinking.  We return to studying 'Coasts and Tectonic Activity', building and extending the work undertaken at GCSE. We understand that geography benefits from a spiral approach to the curriculum – revisiting places and topics in ways that allow students to build a depth of knowledge and understanding. 

    In Year 13, 'Earth Life Support Systems', 'Diseases', 'Dilemmas', and 'Powers and Borders' are modern and engaging topics that students respond to with enthusiasm.  Our A level students undertake an independent NEA, developing an enquiry, researching the topics then writing and presenting their findings. This is excellent preparation for further education and the world of work. 

    Curriculum Enrichment

    Students undertake fieldwork in South Shropshire in Year 7, allowing them to experience the countryside and compare rural life with urban life. This  is their first opportunity to experience geography fieldwork outdoors.

    Years 10 and 11 provide opportunities for two contrasting pieces of GCSE fieldwork. This takes place in the form of a river or coastal study, focusing on erosion and/or management in Year 10, before an urban study of Birmingham in Year 11. 

    Finally, in Years 12 & 13, students complete a total of four days of fieldwork. This includes urban visits, coastal studies and a trip to a Forestry Research Centre. The icing on the cake is an overseas visit to Iceland which provides an amazing insight into tectonic activity.


    Geography GCSE will help you progress to A level and Degree level at university. Many careers are open to students who follow geography, such as: transport and tourism, town and country planning, surveying, exploration, civil engineering, the armed forces, estate management and surveying.