What does homework look like at St Peter’s?
We are currently developing homework sheets for all year groups here at St Peter’s. Our homework sheets will follow 3x key themes which we call ‘The 3 R’s’. Our innovative homework model looks to solidify existing learning and offer opportunities to develop wider knowledge using parental, societal and project-based learning. Students will be directed to their homework when applicable and this will be added to class-charts as normal.
Why the 3 R’s?
Retrieving – Research shows that this is the key element to homework. Retrieval practice is a strategy of recalling facts, concepts or events from memory in order to enhance learning. The act of retrieving something from your memory actually strengths the connections making it more likely to be recalled in future.
Reading – Reading enables students to develop more understanding around current topics and gain understanding about future topics. Reading content linked to learning increases independence and students to develop wider and contextualised knowledge.
Rewarding – Homework has to be rewarding. This can be through developing cultural capital, involving parents and much more. If a student can see the relevance of their learning this can automatically increases importance and enjoyment.
How often does my child have homework?
All subjects are expected to set a minimum of three compulsory tasks per half term, for all key stages. Your child will always have the opportunity to complete more using the homework sheets, once created.
Compulsory homework tasks will be logged on class-charts for parents to see and recorded in student planners.
*We encourage students to go over and above with their learning and on the homework sheets there will be other tasks/experiences they can do to deepen their knowledge and understanding around the current topic they are learning.
Where can I see the homework sheets for each subject?
On the school website, please select ‘Curriculum’ from the dropdown menu and select 'Homework'.
Why can I not find homework for my child’s year group in their homework section of the website?
As we are rolling this new homework model out over this academic year, homework sheets will be created for different year groups at different times. If there aren't any homework sheets for your child on the website, this is because they are still under-development, but please be assured that this does not mean that homework isn't being set. Homework will continue to be set on class-charts by their class teacher as per last year but in a different format. By the end of the 23/24 academic year, all subjects will have created relevant homework for all topics that students study.
My child says they have no homework set?
A big positive around our homework procedure here at St Peter’s is that there is always homework and additional learning experiences for students to complete at any point during the academic year. Please use the homework sheets for your chosen subject to support with this. Students will be rewarded for completing additional homework that is not compulsory!
How can I support my child with their homework?
- Keep up-to date with any compulsory homework set for students on ‘Class-Charts’
- Encourage your child to complete homework and ensure you talk to them about their tasks and learning. If youngsters verbalise their learning they are more likely to retain the knowledge.
- Help them manage their time so that they do not have lots of tasks to do in one go
- Try and complete a piece of homework from the rewarding section for a chosen subject with your child.
*If you have any questions about homework please email the class teacher in the first instance followed by their head of year
Can my child complete their homework at school?
Yes, the ALC is open before and after-school every day for students to use
Will my child be recognised for completing their homework?
All class teachers will track the completion of homework and give verbal acknowledgement and/or achievement points after compulsory homework is completed. Those students who complete the additional learning opportunities and evidence this to their teacher will receive additional achievement points!