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  • Student Absence & Attendance

    We are aiming for over 97% attendance throughout our school.  Being at school as much as possible gives students the best start and the best chance of being successful. This means being 'ON TIME EVERY TIME'.



    Reporting an Absence

    Parents are required to contact our Attendance Officer on the first day of your child's absence, ideally before registers are taken at 8.30am.  You should provide an explanation for the absence and an estimation of how long the absence will last.

    Attendance Officer -

    Clearly state your child’s name, form, reason for absence and likely return date.

    On their return to school, please send a letter or note in with your child; this should be handed to your child's Form Mentor or the Attendance Officer directly.

    Please note that you will still receive a text message confirming that your child is absent from school.  If you have already communicated the reason for their absence via the instructions above, please ignore these additional requests for further information.

    We respectfully request that routine medical appointments are made out of school hours so as not to impact on your child’s education. Where they are unavoidable, it is beneficial to make an appointment after your child has registered and covers part of break or lunchtime, as this has less impact on both their learning and personal attendance record. Please discuss unavoidable absences well in advance of the event.