Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Provision extends to all Pupils in the Academy.
Catch-up sessions in Literacy and maths are available for Year 7s needing an extra boost to be Secondary-ready. Essential Skills support continues for some to aid access to the curriculum.
Pupils with an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) may have in-class support, differentiated tasks or curriculum dependent on individual needs. Some in upper year groups may have a broader curriculum off-site to further a career path.
Our most able students are monitored and offered enrichment activities to challenge and deepen learning opportunities.
All students in the academy are welcome at Homework Club, before and after school, and at break and lunch.
Teaching Assistant help is available if needed at these times.
Pupils come to Learning Support for Art Therapy and Lego Club before School.
Year 7 and older targeted Pupils have access to the Accelerated Reader Programme to foster a love of reading but also to promote individual comprehension skills needed across the curriculum.
We have a team of talented and dedicated Teaching Assistants that support speech and language, Access Arrangements, Essential skills, Travel and communication skills, and emotional well-being.
We are here to support all students, whatever their individual needs and to support the whole school's learning and nurturing of our students.
Contact Details for our SENDCo are:
Ms R Williams
St Peter’s Collegiate Academy
Compton Park
Compton Road West
Telephone: 01902 558600
Information for Parents
SEND Advice and Support is also available from Wolverhampton Local Authority below.
Parents Information Advice and Support (was Voice4Parents)
Independent website:
Call 01902 556945 or email